Breast Augmentation

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Lifting Breast Augmentation

Making a woman’s breasts more proportional to her overall figure can do wonders for her psyche, as well as her physique. Breast augmentation procedures can help boost self-confidence and help sculpt breasts that better match your desired size. For patients who desire fuller breasts or want to restore breast volume that was lost after weight loss or pregnancy, breast augmentation surgery may be the best option.

Dr. Chung Breast Augmentation

What is the procedure?

Breast augmentation is a procedure that uses implants or fat to fulfill a patient’s desire for fuller breasts or to restore breast volume after weight loss or pregnancy. Currently, both saline and silicone implants are available and are approved by the FDA. Implant placement, type, and size are determined by the doctor and patient based on the patient’s anatomy, body type, the desired increase in size, and our professional experience.

How it works

Breast augmentation surgery uses breast implants or fat to increase volume in the breasts. A breast lift may be required in conjunction with breast augmentation if a patient has severely drooping breasts. These procedures may be done at the same time or as separate surgeries. The decision between fat transfer or silicone or saline breast implants is made on a case-by-case basis by you and your physician.

The ideal candidate for breast augmentation surgery is someone who is physically healthy, has a realistic expectation of the procedure, and is dissatisfied with the size of her breasts. The recovery of your breast augmentation surgery will be determined by the breast size selected, age, skin elasticity, hormone level, and your physical health. Talk to your surgeon to learn more about typical recovery time and expected outcomes.

To find out if breast augmentation surgery is right for you, and to discuss your individual treatment plan, contact us.